Registration for 2025-26 opens in February. Please see below for instructions.


Log on to your guardian Gradelink account using a desktop (do not log in via the app or use your child's Gradelink credentials)

Click on the Re-Enroll tab to start the enrollment process. 

(If you are registering a new sibling to SVA, you will find the "add a sibling" button at the end of the application that will ask you to create a new account; you may use your existing email or add a new one)


  1. Create a Gradelink account using a desktop (do not create it via the app)
  2. Complete student registration on Gradelink

2025-2026 Enrollment:

  • Priority Registration for Returning Students begins February 10 at 8:00 a.m.
  • Priority Registration for Sibling of SVA Students begins February 17 at 8:00 a.m.
  • Open Registration for New Students begins February 24 at 8:00 a.m.

*Please do not submit an application before your allotted timeframe. Early applications will not be accepted.

The order that applications will be processed and accepted for the 2025-2026 academic year will be:

  1. SVA will first process and accept in order of submission returning students who registered during priority registration who have:
    • submitted a completed application with required attachments
    • paid the non-refundable registration fee
  2. After accepting returning students, SVA will then process and accept in order of submission siblings of returning students who registered during priority registration who have:
    • submitted a completed application with required attachments
    • paid the non-refundable registration fee
  3. Lastly, SVA will process and accept in order of submission students of new families who registered during open registration who have:
    • submitted a completed application with required attachments
    • paid the non-refundable registration fee of $250 per student